Ravens Quoth Press

My soul shall be lifted nevermore

Open Calls

Chapbooks & Collections

Chapbooks & Collections

We are looking for dark &/or speculative poetry chapbooks and collections, in any style. 

ANNUAL OPEN SUBMISSION WINDOW:  1st January – 30th April 

(with publication the following March)

Poem count : 50+

Author eligibility : Open to all

Reprints : A small percentage of your manuscript may be reprints, provided rights have returned to the author. The majority should be unpublished works.

Simultaneous Submissions : Not allowed. Please don’t send your manuscript to other publishers while we are evaluating it.

Co-authored works : Allowed. Compensation will be split between authors.

Publication :
Each chapbook or collection will be its own publication, published in digital and print formats.

Author compensation :
Monetary awards will be based on poem counts after edits (so please don’t pad);

50 to 99   – $50 USD, 5 free paperback copies
100+  – $100 USD, 5 free paperback copies



Submit to:  subs@theravensquoth.press
Subject line: COLLECTION – author name – manuscript title

Attach: One manuscript as a single document, as an attachment in .doc/x format.

Make sure to ATTACH the word document to your email.
Links and poems written in the body of the email will not be read.

Please include a blurb (~40 words, we’ll work with successful entries to finesse it for publication) in your manuscript, before your poems.

Please format in Times New Roman, 12 pt, double spaced

Bio : Please include a 50-100 word bio, in third person, with optional social media &/or personal website links. (Mentions or links to specific retailers will be removed)

Please allow 12 weeks after call closes for response




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